Bag drop service

If you're planning on using the bag drop service, here's how it works:
1. You will need to come see us at Athlete Check-In to collect the official race bag. If you've already got your race bib, there will be an entrance at the Queenstown Memorial Centre just for bag pick up.
2. Pack it with a light jumper, wet wipes & a bit of cash then attach your bag tag (with your race number on it) to it.
3. Drop it off at the Bag Drop truck at your start line.
4. Once you've crossed the finish line and been through recovery, collect your bag from inside the Queenstown Memorial Centre (marathon and half marathon participants) or for 10km participants, your collection point is immediately after the finish chute on the Recreation Ground.
The official race bag is the only bag we will accept for this service so you (or one of your friends/family) will need to collect this from Athlete Check-In.